How To Eat For Health

In Chinese medicine, it is not only what you eat that is important, but also how you eat.

The Spleen is the key organ involved in digestion – it is responsible for converting the food and drink we consume into Qi (energy) and then transporting this to wherever the body needs it. Looking after your Spleen is therefore vital to your health and here’s how to eat to do just that.

What to eat

The Spleen needs Yang energy (heat) to covert food into Qi. Avoid eating too much raw and cold food and drink as these will dampen the fire – try not to consume anything straight from the fridge. Instead, opt for cooked or warm food and drinks, such as soups, stews and herbal teas.

In Chinese medicine, foods have a particular energetic effect on the body when consumed – for example, ginger is heating which is not surprising given it is spicy in nature, but tomatoes are also considered to be heating! It is therefore best to eat a variety of foods to ensure the energetic effect of food on the body is balanced.

Certain foods cause the digestive system to become sluggish which then impairs the Spleen’s ability to adequately transform food into Qi. Keep your Spleen strong by reducing the amount of sugar, dairy, fatty foods and processed foods that is consumed.

When to eat

Our digestive system is strongest between 7am and 11am and weakest between 7pm and 9pm – therefore there is something to the saying ‘eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper’!

Eat a good, healthy breakfast – something like porridge or muesli is perfect to kick start the digestive system. Aim to have eaten all meals by 7pm and avoid eating late at night as your Spleen will be weakest at this time and will find it hard to digest any food.

Ensure your digestive system works smoothly by eating at the same times each day and avoid missing meals. 

Give your body time to digest food properly and your Spleen time to rest by spacing out your meals and not snacking in between.

How to eat

With life being busy, mindful eating is not something we do easily. By focussing on how we eat, we can aid our digestive system and get the most out of the foods we eat.

Help your Stomach and Spleen by chewing your food properly – this will save your digestive system from having to break down the food for you.

When eating, don’t do anything else – eat slowly and avoid eating whilst watching TV, working at your desk, or when on the go. This will allow your body to focus solely on digesting food.

Don’t overeat – if you start to feel full, stop eating and give your brain time to decide if you are in fact full. This will avoid your Spleen from becoming weakened by not having to work harder than necessary.

Finally, enjoy your food and the process of eating! Take time to plan your meals, learn new recipes and try new foods. The best food tends to be home-cooked and shared with others.

Get in touch

If you would like learn more about what to eat for your health, contact us or book an appointment!


Acupuncture for Women’s Health

